Stacey Thomson


I was born in Rosetown, Saskatchewan, and lived just outside of Conquest, in Denny. Denny consisted of our family home with a Saskatchewan Wheat Pool elevator, railroad line, a huge garden, and some bee hives. We moved to Saskatoon when I was just 5 years old and have called Saskatoon my home ever since. My husband Tom, of more than 20 years and I have a blended family, a “mine,” a “his” and two “ours.” A son who plays professional hockey in Europe, a son who’s teaches in the Saskatoon area, a daughter attending college in Victoria and one still at home keeping us busy with her sport adventures.  I am passionate about raising kind, brave, independent kids who love life.

Giving back to the community is important to me.  My version of this includes coaching – I am the Head Coach of the University of Saskatchewan Women’s Softball Team, coach with the 222’s Fast Pitch organization, and guest coach with the Tommy Douglas Softball Academy.   I played every sport growing up and was fortunate to play on the Canadian Women’s Softball team for many years and feel it’s my time to give back.

My husband says the quirkiest thing about me is my playful vocabulary. Words such as “yupperdoodles,” “zillion,” and “kiddos” make my heart smile.

I didn’t take the tradition route in this industry – I completed a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan, I worked with various sporting organizations and as an academic advisor in both Kinesiology and Psychology.  I am very proud to be working at Precedence Private Wealth and Precedence Capital/Harbourfront Wealth Management Inc.  Our firm is brave enough to challenge the status quo, our team is always striving to be better and to do more. Complacency isn’t in our vocabulary.  Honoured to be part of a team who help clients in a 360-degree manner.